
Showing posts from November, 2021

Shoots, Ladders, and HTTP Ports

Technical topics fascinate me as they intend to connect reality with the metalogical realm. My realization describes how computers create social distance, blocking connections until the right moment. The internet plays a vital role in binding our attention to electronic devices. Our growing data footprint dwarfs any individual's capacity for knowledge. Shoots Learning is often perceived as pleasurable. We connect puzzle pieces until the image appears. Our brains snap into place with a map of the problem and a bullseye to mark the solution. Ladders Work is widely considered unpleasant. We're constantly planning then building, consuming then producing. HTTP Ports We use the internet at home to shop, play games, pay bills, watch TV, and speak with our friends and family. We use the internet at work to communicate with our colleagues and clients. Work disconnects us from the home. The internet fuels our disconnected lives.